Go to next video stream in Gallery: Ctrl+N.Go to previous video stream in Gallery: Ctrl+P.Toggle Active Speaker and Gallery views: Cmd+Shift+W.Share screen via Direct Share: Cmd+Ctrl+S.If you’re using Zoom on macOS, you can use all the following hotkeys: Toggle floating meeting controls: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H.Pause/Resume Screen Share: Alt+T (only works when the meeting control toolbar is onscreen).Stop current Screen Share and launch a new one: Alt+S (only works when the meeting control toolbar is onscreen).Toggle Screen Share On/Off: Alt+Shift+S (only works when the meeting control toolbar is onscreen).

Toggle audio On/Off for all except host: Alt+M.Toggle “Always Show Meeting Control Toolbar” On/Off: Alt.Go to previous tab (left): Ctrl+Shift+Tab.Go to next video stream in Gallery: Page Down.Go to previous video stream in Gallery: Page Up.Here’s a cheat sheet of the default hotkeys for Zoom on Windows: At any point, you can click “Restore Defaults” to return all hotkeys to their original settings. If you want to use Zoom shortcuts while you’re in another window without activating the hotkeys for that program, click the checkbox next to the “Enable Global Shortcut” option next to that hotkey. Zoom will remove the keyboard shortcut associated with that action. To disable a keyboard shortcut, click it, press Del to empty it, and then press Enter. You can press multiple keys, such as Alt+Shift+9, or a single one, like 9. Press the keys to which you want to assign a command, and it will automatically change.